Sunday, April 26, 2009

What we believe about the business of photography

We've found the business of photography to be bittersweet. On one hand, photography is what we love; who wouldn't want to get paid for doing what they love? On the other hand there is the fact that photography is a flooded market. Photography businesses have the potential to make a lot of profit and take little more than a camera to start. Profit is often made through business practices that we don't necessarily agree with. It's important to note that said practices are not wrong or unethical and that they do produce a profit. We want to explain the ways we've chosen to focus our business to align fully with our values. To us the experience of taking pictures and the end results are most important. Many clients don't fully understand how the average photography business works and business owners often capitalize on that. So, below we offer a list of common practices and what our stance is on each.

1. Prints: The common practice is that you are charged a reasonable fee for a shooting session in a studio or other location. The catch, however, is that all you paid for was the shoot. If you paid that one price you would come out of the shoot with no actual pictures in hand and the photographer retains all the pictures. You may get a small book of images or even a CD of non-copyable/non-printable images, but they are only for you to look at and be able to order prints from.

At Jesse Vadnais Photography, we will give you all the pictures we take in a digital format. All of the images will be printable and copyable. That means you can print them wherever you want, you can give them to family to print, you can email or post the pictures on the web and it is all included in the price we gave you upfront. We believe that you should know how much you will be charged from the start. This means that our quotes will be higher on average than other photographers, but you will have an accurate perception of what you will be paying. We would be glad to recommend places to get your pictures printed or assist you in the printing process if requested.

There is one limitation however. While we give you all the images and written permission to get them printed or posted however you or your family would like, we still retain the copyright. We mostly do this so that the customer cannot turn around and sell or make money off of our photos (unless it is done through a commercial contract). This is a way to protect our photographers and the business, so we can continue to work with you and the community.

2. Location: At Jesse Vadnais Photography we believe that for you to be personally and emotionally connected to the final images, you need to be personally and emotionally connected during the shoot. Our experience has shown that if you feel comfortable and natural during the shoot the images will look comfortable and natural. Often we do this by going out of our way to shoot in places and environments where you can be comfortable and natural, places where you can show your individuality and creativity. This does put a bit of responsibility on the person/people being photographed. It is up to you to be natural and comfortable. It is up to you to let your creativity and personality come through. The upside is that we are here to help! We take pride in our ability to show people, no matter what type, that they are in fact very unique and creative.

3. Work flow: There is a side of photography that goes completely unseen by the person/people getting photographed. The editing of photos (post production) often can take just as much time as the shoot itself, if not more time. We want to spend time making each picture look print quality so that you can decide which images you will treasure. We also love to involve each client in post-production by getting their input on which photos they want extra care taken given to during the editing process.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Website up!

Hey guys,

Well finally got the website up and running. There are still some things I will be working on, but it should be functional. I also have 3 engagement shoots to put up soon, so look forward to that. Now back to the grind.